Photo of William H. Holmes

California’s Pacific Gas and Electric Company (“PG&E”) announced today that it plans to issue an Energy Storage Request for Information (“RFI”) to obtain information on utility-scale, dispatchable, and operationally flexible storage resources through a solicitation of interest from technology providers, owners, and developers of energy storage resources.  PG&E said that it plans to issue the

TerraPass Inc., recently issued a Request for Information (RFI) on behalf of a client that is interested in ownership, investment and/or long-term bundled renewable energy offtake opportunities within PG&E territory.  The RFI seeks information from firms with renewable energy projects that are currently under development or construction in California and have projected online dates in 2014 or 2015. TerraPass’

A legal update from our colleague Gary Glisson:

United States importers and purchasers of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells and modules (“solar cells”) now face increased prices when sourcing their supplies from China. A recent order issued by the Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration imposing an antidumping duty rate of 250% tariff against the

A law alert from our colleague Cherise Oram:

On August 24, 2012, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service (collectively, the "Services") issued a proposed rule that would modify when and how the Services analyze economic impacts in critical habitat designations under the Endangered Species Act ("ESA"). Critical habitat designation is intended to provide special protection of essential habitat for species listed as endangered or threatened under the ESA. The ESA prohibits federal agencies from taking actions that are likely to destroy or adversely modify that critical habitat. Critical habitat designations are often controversial because they may discourage or impair private activities on private lands by requiring federal permits or otherwise devaluing the lands located within a designation.Continue Reading Proposed Changes to Critical Habitat Designations Would Gut Purpose of Economic Analysis

On Thursday, October 11, our friends at Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) are holding what promises to be a very interesting event on the important topic of clean energy and the military. Stoel Rives is pleased to be hosting this event on the 19th Floor of its offices in Portland, OR, 900 SW Fifth Avenue. 

Click here to register if you’d like to attend as a guest of E2. For those interested in Clean Energy and the Military, especially the Army’s pending $7 billion renewables RFP, please check out Chad Marriot’s postings on the subject.

What: Mission Critical: Clean Energy and the U.S. Military
When: Thursday, October 11, 2012 (5:00 PM – 7:00 PM PDT)

Where: Stoel Rives LLP, 900 SW Fifth Avenue, 19th Floor, Portland, OR 97204

The state of Oregon, on the forefront of advanced energy policy, has a new and powerful partner. The U.S. military has emerged as a formidable leader in the push for clean energy. The Department of Defense says that our current fuel mix is a national security liability, and that global warming is a threat multiplier which will heighten geopolitical instability, creating both military and humanitarian challenges beyond the armed services’ capacity to respond. As a result, DOD is setting aggressive objectives to reduce its fossil fuel dependence and invest in low carbon renewables and energy efficiency technologies. These commitments by the military are stimulating innovation and providing critical support for the emerging U.S. clean energy sector, with significant impacts for Oregon.

Join us to hear from Oregon First Lady Cylvia Hayes, Brigadier General Mike Caldwell (Oregon National Guard), and E2’s James Marvin (CDR, USN – retired and CEO of Federal Green Solutions) about the link between Oregon’s 10-Year Energy Plan and the military’s transition to clean energy, as well as the potential of this transformation to grow the U.S. economy.Continue Reading Upcoming Event – Mission Critical: Clean Energy and the U.S. Military

Seattle City Light recently issued a request for proposals f(RFP) or up to 150,000 megawatt-hours of renewable energy or renewable energy credits per year, starting in 2020.  The projects that generate the RECs or energy must qualify as eligible according to Washington State’s renewable portfolio standard. In addition, City Light will require a minimum output guarantee and credit