For those who are following the development of ocean and wave energy on the West Coast of the United States and Canada, The Oregonian published an interesting article by Gail Kinsey-Hill entitled Off Oregon’s Coast, Wave Energy Makes a SplashThe article provides a good overview of the latest Oregon developments in ocean and wave energy, describing the big payoffs, the challenges, the concerns of crabbers and fishermen, and the competing technologies (including Ocean Power Technologies’ buoy-like "point absorbers" and Pelamis’ sausage-like sea snake).

As The Oregonian‘s article suggests, those interested in learning more about cutting edge ocean technology should consider attending Oregon’s Third Annual Ocean Renewable Energy Conference at the Mill Convention Center in Coos Bay.  The two day conference will be held this Thursday and Friday (September 25-26).  The event is hosted by Oregon Wave Energy Trust, and you can learn more about the conference and register for it at

My partner Cherise Oram, one of the nation’s leading legal experts on ocean, tidal and other forms of hydrokinetic energy, will be speaking on a panel discussing how wave projects are developed from concept to commercialization.  She’ll have on hand plenty of complimentary copies of the new second edition of Stoel Rives’ Law of Ocean and Tidal Energy , or you can download your own today.