The Phase I report of the Minnesota Dispersed Renewable Generation Study (DRG) was released in Minnesota on June 16, 2008.  The study represents an innovative effort to get the most out of Minnesota’s existing transmission infrastructure. 

Under Minnesota’s Next Generation Act of 2007, "dispersed generation" consists of electric generating projects between 10MW and 40 MW that use eligible generation (including wind energy).  The report’s analysis shows a DRG scenario in which up to 600 MW of new but dispersed generation could be sited without significantly affecting existing transmission infrastructure.

Click here to access the DRG "sweet spot report."  For a quick PowerPoint overview of the Phase I study’s results (presented at a Webinar on June 16), scroll down to the bottom of the linked page.  The linked page also points to Volumes 1-3 of the study, with Volume 1 being the study report.