The American Coalition for Ethanol’s 21st Annual Ethanol Conference and Trade Show will be held August 12-14 at the Qwest Center in Omaha, Nebraska. This event will be a great opportunity for you to keep up with what is going on in the ethanol industry. You’ll hear from people about what is happening legislatively, and you will also hear from people involved with many of the ethanol plant projects around the country. David Quinby (Principal at Stoel Rives) will be sitting on the morning panel:
"Ethanol Today & Tomorrow: Growing and Selling Considerations"
In these days of narrow margins and volatile markets, ethanol producers are talking about consolidation, mergers & acquisitions. Plants can grow, diversify, economize, recapitalize or sell. Learn about the questions to ask and steps to take today, to make it tomorrow.
Please visit us at Booth #718 to pick up the newest version of our "Law of Biofuels" book!