Activity is underway in Michigan to implement the state’s recently-enacted renewable portfolio standard, which requires the state’s electric utilities to serve 10 percent of their retail sales from renewable energy resources by 2015. In late December, Detroit Edison issued a Request for Proposals to purchase Michigan-based renewable energy credits that will help the utility meet the RPS requirements.
The RFP specifies that the renewable energy certificates must come from resources located in Michigan. Under the state’s RPS, qualifying renewable technologies include energy produced from wind, solar, landfill gas, biomass, anaerobic digesters, geothermal, hydroelectric dams, industrial cogeneration and gasification facilities. Detroit Edison states that it is seeking long-term agreements with providers.
Bidder questions, which must be posted to the Power Advocate website, are due by Jan. 13, 2009. Responses to the RFP are due by Jan. 23, 2009.