The recent blog posting (available here) regarding Exxon’s $600 million investment in biofuels served as a reminder to me that comments are due soon (August 3, 2009) on the Department of Energy’s draft  "National Algal Biofuels Technology Roadmap" (the "Roadmap").

The Roadmap was prepared by a working group commissioned by DOE.  The working group was commissioned to assess the current state of algae technology and to determine the next steps toward commercialization.  For more information, see my earlier blog.

To submit comments, complete the "Algal Road-Mapping: Request for Information (RFI) Response Form" and submit it as an attachment  to an e-mail message addressed to

Further, Gary Hunt has reported (available here) that Prize Capital, LLC has issued a $10 million algae fuel prize to encourage the development of advanced algal fuels.  For more information about this contest, click here.