Today, the Washington Technology Center announced the launch of its Microfabrication Laboratory Access Program. The new program provides access to sophisticated micro-electromechanical systems ("MEMS") fabrication equipment to small companies in Washington State. The goal of the program is to stimulate innovative technologies.
The new Microfabrication Laboratory is one of three state funded programs in Washington. The facility is 15,000 square feet and small businesses with less than 100 employees can apply for up to three months of free lab access (valued at up to $12,300). Eligible projects include, but are not limited to proof of concept, prototyping, testing, process development, and small-scale production. A more complete description of the program is available here.
Tours of the Microfabrication Laboratory are being held on August 28 and September 29, 2009. RSVPs can be sent to Russell Paez of the Washington Technology Center. More information can be obtained from Steve Goll of the Washington Technology Center at 206-543-1023.
For more information regarding opportunities for small businesses operating in clean tech and renewable energy industries please see our recent alert regarding the Small Business Innovation Research ("SBIR") and Small Business Technology Transfer ("STTR") programs. Also, Washington based companies should be aware of the Washington State Energy Program that is being administrated through the Washington Department of Commerce (formerly "Community, Trade, and Economic Development" or "CTED"). Click here for an alert explaining Washington’s Energy Freedom Program. Click here for a recent blog posting regarding applications for funding under Washington’s State Energy Program.