On August 13, 2009, the American Wind Energy Association, Wind on the Wires and certain wind developers filed protests at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator’s (MISO) recent filing at FERC. The MISO filing proposes to revise MISO’s cost allocation methodology for network upgrades for generator interconnection, and resulted from MISO’s Regional Expansion Criteria & Benefits (RECB) Task Force.
The current cost allocation methodology in place provides that the cost of network upgrades for generator interconnection are funded initially by generator interconnection customers, and the customer is entitled to a 50% reimbursement where it is demonstrated that the output will serve MISO’s network customers or the facility has been designated a network resource. For facilities rated 345 kV and higher, 20% of the refund cost is allocated to all MISO pricing zones on a postage-stamp basis, and 80% is allocated among pricing zones using a line outage distribution factor (LODF) method.
Under the MISO proposal, cost allocation would be as follows: (i) for network upgrades below 345 kV, 100% to the interconnection customer, and (ii) for network upgrades 345 kV and above, 90% to the interconnection customer and 10% to all transmission customers through a postage stamp-type charge.
To read any of the documents related to the MISO filing, go to the FERC eLibrary website and enter in Docket No. ER09-1431.