The Nevada State Office of Energy (“NSOE”) announced on March 16, 2010, that is it has issued a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for renewable energy projects under the $8M+ Revolving Loan Program. Projects must be no more than 60kW in size for solar PV and 20kW maximum for wind turbines and solar thermal. Loan terms will be less than 15 years and interest rates three percent or lower. Applicants may apply for a minimum of $200,000 and a maximum of $1,645,000, and must be able to enter a loan contract prior to June 30, although projects may begin after that date. It is the intent of the RFP to approve a minimum of five applications. The solicitation may close at any time upon determination by the Director of the Nevada State Office of Energy that a sufficient number of qualified applications have been received to satisfy the needs of the RFP. If the RFP fails to produce a sufficient number of eligible applicants the Director may consider granting loans exceeding the published maximum amount.*

Interested parties should go to or contact Robert Nellis, Energy Program Manager at (775) 687-1850 x7304 for more information.


*Request For Proposal No. 0001 for ARRA Revolving Loan Program For Renewable Energy Systems Release, dated March 15, 2010.