Grand Valley State University (GVSU) and its Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center (MAREC) have issued a Request for Proposals seeking funding partners to develop an offshore research platform and wind assessment meteorological (MET) tower installation. GVSU and MAREC have acquired $3.1 Million in grants and research monies to fund a portion of the Project. Partners are being sought to: contribute the additional funds, expertise, and resources needed to complete the Project beyond those already committed by GVSU/MAREC and federal/state sources; design the MET Tower/Research Platform; construct the MET Tower/Research Platform (to be completed by September 1, 2011); and provide the overall operation and maintenance of the structure to support data collection and research.
A pre-proposal conference is being held at GVSU on May 3, 2010, and proposals are due June 10, 2010.