The DOE announced that it will allocate $25 million to two Solid-State Lighting (“SSL”) funding opportunities to advance R&D and market adoption of SSL technology. TThis will be the seventh round of such funding that has been awarded in recent years.
Funding is subject to congressional appropriations and will focus on the following:
$15M for core technology projects demonstrating efficiency, performance, and cost targets. Selected projects will fill technology gaps or provide enabling knowledge or data.
$10 million for product development projects using existing technology or research to develop or improve commercially viable materials, devices, or systems, meeting certain performance parameters.
To view the complete SSL Core Technology Research (Round 7) funding opportunity, visit FedConnect, click on "Search Public Opportunities," and search on Reference Number DE-FOA-0000329.
To view the complete SSL Product Development (Round 7) funding opportunity, visit FedConnect, click on "Search Public Opportunities," and search on Reference Number DE-FOA-0000330.
For more information on DOE’s Solid State Lighting Program, visit the Solid-State Lighting Web site.