Puget Sound Clean Cities Coalition has announced that it has roughly $400,000 in unused ARRA grant funds available for alternative fuel vehicle and infrastructure projects.
Examples of eligible vehicles include:
- Vehicles using alternative fuels recognized by the Energy Policy Act (complete list here: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/vehiclesandfuels/epact/about/epact_fuels.html);
- Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles;
- Electric Hybrid Vehicles (including certain Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles);
- Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicles;
- Neighborhood Electric Vehicles; and
- Certain Bio-Diesel Vehicles (if replacing gasoline powered vehicles).
Infrastructure projects must be related to the storage, distribution, dispensing of advanced fuels or electric vehicle supply equipment. Examples of eligible infrastructure projects include:
- New dispensing facilities, or additional equipment or upgrades to existing refueling sites;
- Facility upgrades or building modifications necessary to accommodate alternative fuels for fleet garages and other maintenance centers;
- Solar charging systems dedicated to providing on-site vehicle motive electrification
Funding requests must be between $100,000 and $400,000 with a minimum 10% non-federal match. Precise requirements of this grant are located at http://www.pugetsoundcleancities.org/documents/CleanCitiesFY09FOAModification007.pdf