California’s Pacific Gas and Electric Company (“PG&E”) announced today that it plans to issue an Energy Storage Request for Information (“RFI”) to obtain information on utility-scale, dispatchable, and operationally flexible storage resources through a solicitation of interest from technology providers, owners, and developers of energy storage resources.  PG&E said that it plans to issue the RFI and to ask for responses from RFI participants this year.     

PG&E explained that the RFI will help it to learn about different storage technologies and their costs, to understand which storage technologies could bid into a future RFO, and to identify and value the various attributes of those technologies. The company plans to open up its Energy Storage RFI website later this week–the new website will list the types of questions that PG&E plans to ask in the RFI.  PG&E invites feedback on its proposed questions in the form of comments or questions to

Persons who want to to subscribe to PG&E’s general RFO distribution list should go to to fill out theregistration form and submit the Excel form as an attachment to the Renewable RFO mailbox.  Registrants will receive notices about this energy storage RFI and other PG&E long-term procurement solicitations.