Voting is underway for the 2013 Hottest Partners in Biofuels and BioBased Products, a poll conducted by our friend Jim Lane of Biofuels Digest. Poll categories include:
- Distributors
- Engineering, procurement & construction
- Enzymes, yeasts & sugars
- Feedstocks (energy crops)
- Feedstocks (gases and residues)
- Finance (early-stage)
- Finance (commercialization)
- Lab services
- Pretreatment systems
- Professional counselors & consultants (legal, finance, etc)
- Separation, microharvest, informatics & catalysis systems and services
- Processing systems and services
- Vehicle & vehicular equipment systems
- R&D Partners
- Strategic customers (fuels)
- Strategic customers (bio-based products)
We encourage all Digest subscribers to vote. Of course, we’d appreciate your vote. Stoel Rives is listed in the Professional Counselors category.
If you are not already subscribing to the Digest, we recommend it as an informative and sometimes entertaining daily report that is available for both the biofuel and the biochemical industries. You can subscribe here.