We recently learned that San Diego Gas and Electric has issued a 2014 All Source Request for Offers (RFO).
The RFO requests offers for up to 800 MW from the following resources:
- Energy Efficiency (EE)
- Demand Response (DR)
- Renewables
- Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
- Energy Storage
- Conventional
- Distributed Generation (DG)
The RFO is authorized by CPUC Decision 14-03-004. The decision authorizes minimum and maximum procurement from each resource area.
There is an important caveat to note in the RFO. SDG&E mentions it has entered into a 600 MW bilateral contract with the Carlsbad Energy Center. If approved, 600 MWs of the RFO will be filled by that contract, leaving 200 MW for preferred resources, including at least 25 MW from energy storage.
Prebid conferences will take place on September 26, October 24 and November 10, 2014. Offers are due on January 5, 2015.
The official RFO page is here: http://www.sdge.com/all-source-2014-rfo
Good luck to all bidders. Let us know if you require assistance.