Hi there, this is Jon Wellinghoff, former FERC chair and current Stoel Rives partner. I’m pleased to announce that effective today I have joined the Stoel Rives Renewable + Law blogger team. We thought it would be useful to share with you blog readers some of my thinking and writing on the topic of energy policy and energy transformation.

We’re going to kick things off today with a review of my recent press commentary, op-eds and announcements. In the future, I also expect to review some individual cases that have particular importance for U.S. and global energy policy as well as for energy industry participants.

What’s Happening?

On March 31, 2015, I appeared in a Q&A with Robert Fares of the Scientific American Blog titled “Wellinghoff: Extend Electricity Market Visibility to the Distribution Grid.”

On March 30, 2015, the Center for Resource Solutions announced that I will be joining their board of directors. Joining me on the board is Karin Corfee of Navigant Consulting. Read the release: http://www.resource-solutions.org/pressreleases/2015/033015.html

On March 28, 2015, The Texas Tribune published a Q&A I had with Jim Malewitz titled “Wellinghoff: Texas Needn’t Fret Over Climate Rules.”

On March 25, 2015, James Tong of Clean Power Finance and myself published an op-ed in Utility Dive titled “Tong and Wellinghoff: Are fixed charges a curse in disguise for investor-owned utilities?”

On March 25, 2015 I was featured in a front cover USA Today story titled “Power Grid Left Open to Attacks.”

On March 6, 2015 I published an op-ed in the Washington Post titled “Clean power is right for Virginia.”

Where’s Jon?

I am scheduled to attend the following events and conferences in April:

Beginning on April 27, I will be the keynote speaker at Infocast’s Grid Transformation Summit in New York, NY. I will also present at the event in a presentation titled “Moving Beyond Smart – Making the Distribution Grid More Open, Resilient and Efficient.”

Beginning on April 30, Lisa Polk Edgar of NARUC and I will be keynote speakers at NEM’s 18th Annual National Energy Restructuring Conference, in Washington D.C.