Via my colleague Xiaowan Mao:
On August 31, 2016, SDG&E will issue one ECR Request for Offers (“RFO”), seeking contracts with facilities that produce Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)-eligible energy for the purpose of implementing its ECR program. In this solicitation, SDG&E is seeking PPAs for the ECR program only. This solicitation is not requesting bids for feed-in-tariff projects (e.g. Re-MAT, Bio-MAT), GT projects, BioRAM or other RPS procurement activities that currently exist or are being contemplated.
Approved on September 28, 2013, Senate Bill (SB) 43[1] created the Green Tariff Shared Renewables (“GTSR”) program, which consists of a Green Tariff (“GT”) option and an Enhanced Community Renewables (“ECR”) component.[2] San Diego Gas & Electric Company (“SDG&E”) plays an active role in implementing the GTSR program to: (1) make clean, renewable energy available to bundled utility customers, whether or not they own a home and/or can afford a significant capital investment; (2) increase the overall volume of renewable energy in the area of San Diego and (3) increase options for institutional, commercial and residential customers to meet their renewable energy goals. [3]
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