In agreeing to dismiss an historic effort to enforce PURPA, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission left a lump of coal for Qualifying Facility wind developers in Idaho. The agreement represents an apparent policy change at FERC, as well as a complete win for the Idaho PUC.
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Idaho Wind Moratorium Advances
A controversial bill that would would halt development of industrial wind farms in Idaho for two years narrowly made its was out of the House Local Government Committee by a vote of 6-5 and now goes to the full House. The bill would kill any future wind development in Idaho (at least for two years), and may put the breaks…
Idaho Legislature Halts Wind Moratorium
Today, the State Affairs Committee of the Idaho House of Representatives rejected H265, the bill that would impose a two-year moratorium on new wind projects in the state, by a vote of 11-8. Discussions at the hearing suggest that at least some of the bill’s opponents believed the rapid development of wind in the state should be addressed by individual…
Idaho QFs Petition FERC to Approve Sale of Unbundled RECs Into California
On December 15, 2010, Idaho Wind Partners 1, LLC (“Idaho Wind”) filed a petition for declaratory order with FERC (Docket EL11-12) on behalf of its eleven qualifying facilities ("QFs") in Idaho to approve an unconventional plan to sell RECs into California. Idaho Wind is seeking confirmation that the plan (1) would not violate any of …