Arizona Public Service Company has announced that it is seeking proposals from solar developers and installers to build a 32 MW solar PV facility.  APS would finance the project  through its AZ Sun Program.  When completed, the new solar facility will be owned and operated by APS and is expected to provide electricity to more

There has been a wave of good and bad news this past week regarding the DOE’s Loan Guarantee Program.  On the positive side, Secretary Chu announced on Friday that the Department would be adding an additional compliance period for the Innovative Solicitation.  The current deadline for the Part I application under the program is August 24th.  Secretary

From our colleague Sarah Johnson Phillips:

Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a Notice of Funding Available (NOFA) for up to $3,000,000 in renewable energy feasibility study grants under the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). 

  • The grants are available to farmers, ranchers, and rural small businesses for conducting feasibility studies for renewable

On August 14, 2009, the Department of Energy ("DOE") State Energy Program ("SEP") announced that more than $119 million in funding from the Recovery Act to support energy efficiency and renewable energy projects has been awarded to Alabama, American Samoa, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, North Dakota and Wyoming.

Here is a summary of how the monies will be used by each of the states and territories:

  • Alabama has been awarded $22,228,000 in federal stimulus funds.  Alabama will utilize the Recovery Act  SEP funding to promote energy efficiency of businesses (with a particular focus on the automotive supplier industry), schools, and correctional facilities and the development of renewable energy resources in the state.  The state will also use funds to create a new "energy revolving loan fund" to stimulate the creation and retention of jobs and increase the generation of renewable energy by providing low-interest loans for new and existing industries in the state.  The loans will be used for the installation of renewable energy systems and the implementation of energy efficiency measures.  After demonstrating successful implementation of its plan, Alabama will receive nearly $28 million in additional funding, for a total of more than $55 million.  Click here for more information regarding Alabama’s state energy program and use of Recovery Act funds.
  • American Samoa was awarded $7,420,000 in federal stimulus funds.  American Samoa will utilize the Recovery Act SEP funding to expand the use of renewable energy across the territory, as well as to supplement weatherization funds to improve home energy efficiency for low-income residents.  Specifically, the territory will install a 1,000 kW photovoltaic solar-energy array near the Tafuna Power Station, 19 smaller 28 kW solar arrays on the roofs of government and other buildings, and a solar water heating system at the LBJ Tropical Medical Center.  American Samoa is also interested in expanding its use of wind power, and will use Recovery Act funds to set up eight anemometers to measure and quantify the territory’s wind potential.  After demonstrating successful implementation of its plan, the territory will receive more than $9 million in additional funding, for a total of $18 million.

Continue Reading Show Me the Money: State Energy Programs for Seven States and Territories Awarded $119 Million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (“Recovery Act”)

Yesterday, the Department of Energy (“DOE”) announced more than $154 million in Recovery Act funding to four states for their State Energy Programs (“SEPs”). The funds were awarded to California, Missouri, New Hampshire, and North Carolina.
Continue Reading DOE Announces $154 million in Funding for State Energy Programs

At the Western Governors’ Association Annual Meeting on June 15, 2009, the Western Governors heard a sobering  and candid report from Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, which, at its core, indicated that climate change is real and happening faster than scientists previously warned.  According to Secretary Chu, "the news is getting scary . . . but the most scary thing in my mind is the [scientific] observations.  People can be entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts."  A few of the observations cited by Secretary Chu included the following:

  • Loss of 1/2 of the Northern polar ice cap in the last 10 years
  • Sea level rise
  • 40% of the British Columbia pine is dead
  • Extreme water stress in the Western United States (with exception to the Pacific Northwest) as a result of decreased snow pack and changing weather patterns

Secretary Chu was particularly concerned with the continued melting of the permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere, which he predicted could have "runaway effects" due to the massive release of CO2 and methane from the biomass that has accumulated over time. 

President of the World Bank, Robert B. Zoellick, also participated in the discussion on climate change, indicating that the rule making that will be necessary for implementing climate change policies will stay with us for decades and will be some of the "toughest negotiations" he has ever seen.  Mr. Zoellick stressed the importance of having the Governors plugged into the rule making process since this will be the framework that the states will have to live with.  There was also an acknowledgment among the group that the farmers and ranchers are skeptical about climate change, but that this is a key stakeholder group that needs to be part of the equation.  Governor Bill Richardson commented that the key will be the creation of a carbon offset market that will  work.  Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, concurred indicating that a carbon offset market will be critical to the survival of rural communities. Continue Reading Western Governors Consider Regional and National Polices Regarding Global Climate Change