The California Public Utilities Commission has unanimously approved a 1,325 MW energy storage procurement target for the state’s largest utilities in Decision 13-10-040. PG&E, SDG&E, and SCE must collectively procure 1,325 MW of energy storage resources by 2020, for installation no later than 2024. The first of at least four competitive solicitations for energy storage projects
California Public Utilities Commission Sets Fourth and Fifth Solicitations for the Renewable Auction Mechanism Program
On May 9, 2013, the California Public Utilities Commission adopted Resolution E-4582, scheduling the fourth Renewable Auction Mechanism (RAM) auction to close on June 28, 2013 and setting a fifth RAM auction for no later than June 27, 2014. The RAM program allows renewable energy developers to bid their 3 MW to 20 MW projects to …
Governor Brown Signs Three Biogas Bills Into Law
Here’s a California law update from my partner Wayne Rosenbaum in San Diego:
The California legislature continues to emphasize the importance of renewable energy for the State’s environment and economy. Of the renewable energy bills passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor this year, three of them focused on biogas. Some of the…
Arizona Public Service Company Gila Bend Solar RFP
Arizona Public Service Company has announced that it is seeking proposals from solar developers and installers to build a 32 MW solar PV facility. APS would finance the project through its AZ Sun Program. When completed, the new solar facility will be owned and operated by APS and is expected to provide electricity to more…
CPUC Implements Changes to the California Renewable Auction Mechanism
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has adopted several changes to the state’s Renewable Auction Mechanism program (RAM), created in 2010. The RAM program operates as a reverse auction, offering a standard contract with the state’s three largest investor-owned utilities for energy from renewable distributed generation facilities of up to 20 megawatts (MW). The utilities will procure up to 1,000 MW of renewable energy under the program over two years. The first RAM auction took place in November 2011 and the second auction is schedule for next month. Resolution E-4489, adopted last Thursday, modifies the CPUC decision creating the RAM program, Decision 10-12-048, and Resolution E-4417, which served to implement details of the program. Resolution E-4489 approves changes to align the RAM with recent updates to Southern California Edison’s Solar Photovoltaic Program and incorporate a change requested by Pacific Gas & Electric Company.
Continue Reading CPUC Implements Changes to the California Renewable Auction Mechanism
CEC Holds Workshop on Energy Storage for 2011 IEPR
The 2011 IEPR Committee Workshop on Energy Storage for Renewable Integration was held Thursday, April 28th at the California Energy Commission (CEC) offices in Sacramento. The Workshop was presented in a three panel format, with each panel addressing specific topics, including (1) the need for energy storage in light of California’s renewable portfolio standard, greenhouse…
California Public Utilities Commission Holds Workshop on Energy Storage Legislation
On Wednesday, March 9, the California Public Utilities Commission (“CPUC”) held a workshop on its implementation of California’s recent energy storage bill, Assembly Bill (AB) 2514, signed by Governor Schwarzenegger on September 29, 2010.
AB 2514 requires the CPUC and municipal utilities in California to open proceedings by March 1, 2012 to determine appropriate targets, if any, for the procurement of viable and cost-effective energy storage systems by load-serving entities. By October 1, 2013, the CPUC must (1) determine whether a procurement target for energy storage is appropriate and, if so, (2) adopt a procurement target for each load-serving entity under its jurisdiction to be achieved by December 31, 2015 and a second target to be achieved by December 31, 2020. Municipal utilities have an additional year to meet these requirements.Continue Reading California Public Utilities Commission Holds Workshop on Energy Storage Legislation
ALJ Releases Ruling Setting Briefing Schedule for CPUC Implementation of Amendments to CA Feed In Tariff Program
From our colleage Seth Hilton:
In 2006, Assembly Bill (AB) 1969 ushered in the era of the Feed In Tariff (FIT) in California. AB 1969 added section 399.20 to the Public Utilities Code, which allowed for tariffs and standardized contracts for eligible renewable resources up to 1.5MW owned by, and located on, public water…
California Public Utilities Commission Approves Renewable Auction Mechanism
On Friday, December 16, 2010, the California Public Utilities Commission unanimously approved a decision ("Final Decision") ordering a new tariff for a procurement protocol called the Renewable Auction Mechanism, or RAM. RAM applies to California’s three largest investor-owned utilities ("IOUs"). All renewable energy projects up to 20 MW that are located in the service territory…
OPUC Circulates Straw Proposal for Utility Smart Grid Planning
From our colleague Sara Bergan:
In late 2009 the Oregon Public Utilities Commission (OPUC) initiated Docket No. UM 1460 focused on Smart Grid (SG) planning. More recently in October, and after public input on the scope of the proceeding, OPUC staff circulated a Straw Proposal for Utility Smart Grid Planning. The proposal groups SG…