A group of western utility executives, transmission officials, and regulatory analysts are convening in Portland, Oregon next week to discuss the creation of a western Energy Imbalance Market (“EIM”). The EIM is part of an Efficient Dispatch Toolkit (“EDT”) proposed by a WECC subcommittee and the Western Interstate Energy Board (“WIEB”) that would include: (1) the EIM to supply energy imbalance service and congestion management, and (2) an Enhanced Curtailment Calculator (“ECC”) to manage power flow impacts across Balancing Authority (“BA”) seams. As a point of reference, the Southwestern Power Pool launched a similar “Energy Imbalance Service” in 2007.
Why: Renewable energy capacity in the West is expected to grow from roughly 13,000 MW today to 70,000 MW by 2020 as the result of state renewable energy requirements. Current energy balancing practices are insufficient to meet the challenges of the anticipated variable generation increases in the Western Interconnection, according to a white paper prepared by WIEB staff. Current bilateral transmission and scheduling practices do not, for instance, make use of remote balancing resources in the Western Interconnection and the EIM could help make more efficient use of generating resources located throughout its footprint.Continue Reading Parties convene in Portland to discuss the creation of an Energy Imbalance Market