On December 15, 2010, Idaho Wind Partners 1, LLC (“Idaho Wind”) filed a petition for declaratory order with FERC (Docket EL11-12) on behalf of its eleven qualifying facilities ("QFs") in Idaho to approve an unconventional plan to sell RECs into California. Idaho Wind is seeking confirmation that the plan (1) would not violate any of
unbundled RECs
CPUC Proposed Decision on TRECs–Comments Due January 19
By William H. Holmes on
Posted in California, Climate Change, Geothermal, Hydropower, Ocean/Wave Energy, Renewable, Solar, Wind
The California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") issued a proposed decision on December 23, 2009 that would, if adopted, allow California investor-owned utilities, energy service providers, and community choice aggregators to purchase renewable energy credits alone, without the associated energy (sometimes referred to as "unbundled renewable energy credits ("RECs)" or "tradable RECs"), to satisfy their obligations…