Greetings! On behalf of the Stoel Rives Renewable Energy Initiative, I would like to welcome you to our blog, Renewable + Law.SM We intend Renewable + LawSM to be a catalyst for lively discussion about renewable energy and climate policies, major renewable energy projects, emerging technologies, market developments, new laws, tax credits and industry scuttlebutt.   


For reasons ranging from concern about global warming and the environment to economic growth, jobs, and national security, renewable energy has evolved into a major industry. Globally, renewable energy was a $148 billion business in 2007. In addition to renewable energy, emerging climate policy is shaping up to be one of the most important economic forces in our time. As of this writing, all three U.S. presidential candidates are in favor of some form of carbon cap and trade program at the federal level. At the state level, California has already adopted economywide caps on greenhouse gas emissions and other western states are pursuing a similar program through the Western Climate Initiative. Together, the western states are leading the nation in the development of cap and trade policies. Climate policy, in turn, will spur greater demand for renewable energy, energy efficiency, green building, carbon offset projects and other cleantech applications. 


From Seattle to San Diego, from Portland to Minneapolis, and from Boise to Salt Lake City to Sacramento, Stoel Rives has offices with lawyers working on renewable energy projects. Providing valuable advice to clients requires us to keep abreast of renewable energy and climate policy developments to place those novel legal questions into a larger context. Renewable + LawSM lets us share with you our passion for solar energy, wind energy, biofuels, ocean and hydrokinetic energy, biomass, waste-to-energy, geothermal and other clean technologies.  


Thank you for your interest. We hope that you enjoy Renewable + Law!SM




Learn more about Stoel Rives and our national legal practice devoted to renewable energy. You may also have an interest in our complimentary books on various legal issues involved with developing various renewable energy projects