On Friday, June 25, 2009, the Department of Energy ("DOE") announced more than $304 million in Recovery Act funding to three states for their weatherization assistance programs. The DOE’s Weatherization Assistance Program will enable families making up to 200% of the federal poverty level – about $44,000 a year for a family of four – to save on energy costs by increasing the energy efficiency of their homes.

Here is a summary of how the funds will be used in Georgia, Illinois, and New York:

Georgia will use its funds to weatherize more than 13,600 homes over three years, with priority given to homes occupied by elderly residents and elderly residents with disabilities. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Georgia will receive $62 million in additional funds, for a total of almost $125 million.

Illinois will use its funds to weatherize nearly 27,000 homes over three years. The state will provide sub-grants to existing local agencies that have effectively provided energy audits and home weatherization in the past, followed by final inspections of weatherized homes. In addition, Illinois will expand its training and certification program to prepare its workforce for the weatherization assistance program. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Illinois will receive over $121 million in additional funds, for a total of more than $242.5 million.

New York will use its funds to weatherize more than 45,000 homes over three years. The state plans to coordinate its weatherization program with other state agencies to maximize benefits to low-income clients. The state will also encourage weatherization assistance to be rendered along with services provided by non-federal sources, like utilities and the Red Cross. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, New York will receive $197 million in additional funds, for a total of more than $394 million.