From our colleague Christina Asavareungchai:

Today, the Department of Energy announced more than $162 million in Recovery Act funding to seven states and territories under their State Energy Programs (“SEPs”). Here is how the funds will be used in Colorado, Delaware, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Puerto Rico:


Colorado will use its SEP funds to remove financial barriers to the rapid acceleration of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Colorado will also help state agencies cut their energy use, in addition to significantly expanding an existing rebate and grants program for renewable energy projects. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Colorado will receive additional funds of over $24 million, for a total of more than $49 million.


Delaware will use its SEP funds to help finance energy efficiency measures in homes, small businesses, commercial buildings, and manufacturing facilities. Delaware will also offer additional rebates for solar photovoltaic and solar hot water systems, small wind applications, and geothermal systems for buildings. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Delaware will receive additional funds of over $12 million, for a total of more than $24 million.


Indiana will use its SEP funds to offer financial assistance for the deployment of energy efficient technologies and to finance training programs and educational outreach about the merits of energy conservation. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Indiana will receive additional funds of over $34 million, for a total of more than $68 million.


Louisiana will use its SEP funds to support energy efficiency measures in commercial buildings, as well as new and existing homes. Louisiana will also finance energy efficiency retrofits for government buildings and will encourage the use of efficient street lighting. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Louisiana will receive additional funds of over $35 million, for a total of almost $72 million.


Massachusetts will use its SEP funds to promote energy efficiency statewide, finance energy efficiency upgrades of public facilities, and facilitate the demonstration of energy efficiency solutions. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Massachusetts will receive additional funds of over $27 million, for a total of almost $55 million.


Pennsylvania will use its SEP funds to help finance clean energy projects initiated by businesses, nonprofit organizations, universities, local governments, and utilities, in addition to establishing a revolving loan fund aimed at facilities projects, resource efficiency, and clean energy technologies. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Pennsylvania will receive additional funds of almost $50 million, for a total of almost $100 million.


Puerto Rico will use its SEP funds to provide financial assistance for private sector energy projects, as well as for building retrofits in both the public and private sectors. Puerto Rico will also support the revision of building codes, the switch to more energy efficient traffic lights, and the establishment of an education and mass media outreach program. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Puerto Rico will receive additional funds of over $18 million, for a total of over $37 million.