The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is developing a new report to define functional requirements for customer energy storage systems (CESS). The project is engaging energy storage stakeholders to collaborate on the development of the functional requirements through a public process.

EPRI’s effort is designed to create an understanding between electric utilities and their storage needs, the manufacturers and suppliers of customer energy storage systems, and customers of the systems.


A webcast open to all stakeholders will take place on Friday, July 22, 1:30 PM – 3 PM ET. During that webcast, attendees will be asked to help refine the draft document, and provide comments. Registration is required at

This new EPRI report will builld on last year’s efforts to develop functional requirements for utility systems that support Distributed Energy Storage Systems (DESS), substation grid support and renewable energy integration.


Questions, comments and any feedback can be directed to A copy of the CESS functional requirement document will be circulated among registrants a couple of days before the webcast.


Thanks to Emanuel Wagner, EPRI’s Project Coordinator at Technology Transition Corporation, for the tip about this webcast.