The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, provides over $2.7 billion in formula-based grants to states, U.S. territories, units of local government, and Indian tribes under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program. 


The purpose of the EECBG Program is to assist eligible entities in creating and implementing strategies to:

  • reduce fossil fuel emissions in a manner that is environmentally sustainable and, to the maximum extent practicable, maximizes benefits for local and regional communities;
  • reduce the total energy use of the eligible entities; and
  • improve energy efficiency in the building sector, the transportation sector, and other appropriate sectors.

The funding opportunity announcement (FOA) related to the EECBG has been recently amended.   Originally, all applications had to be submitted through the FedConnect website,  The most recent announcement to the FOA allows for applications to be submitted via email to with the subject line "EECBG Application (Unique Identification Code)."