From our colleague Christina Asavareungchai:

Today, the Department of Energy announced more than $141 million in Recovery Act funding to six states and territories under its State Energy Program (“SEP”). Here is how the funds will be used in Hawaii, Maine, Nebraska, New Mexico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Texas:

Hawaii will use its SEP funds to directly finance high-performance buildings, retrofits, and other energy-saving measures, in addition to training professionals in the building and design industry about energy efficiency. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Hawaii will receive additional funds of nearly $13 million, for a total of almost $26 million.

Maine will use its SEP funds to improve energy efficiency across multiple sectors. The funds will facilitate the establishment of more energy-efficient building codes, as well as the expansion of programs that aim to improve the energy efficiency of businesses and homes. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Maine will receive additional funds of more than $13 million, for a total of over $27 million.


Nebraska will use its SEP funds to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy. The state will establish more efficient building energy codes, offer energy efficiency training, and fund programs that offer low-interest loans to the commercial and industrial sector. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Nebraska will receive additional funds of more than $15 million, for a total of over $30 million.


New Mexico will use its SEP funds to offer financial incentives for the purchase of fuel-efficient vehicles, alternative fuels, and investments in related infrastructure. The state will also fund building retrofits, energy audits, the establishment of energy codes, and the expansion of the Weatherization Assistance Program. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, New Mexico will receive additional funds of nearly $16 million, for a total of almost $32 million.


The Northern Mariana Islands will use its SEP funds to improve the energy efficiency of its buildings, establish energy efficiency policies, and educate the public about energy efficiency. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, the territory will receive additional funds of more than $9 million, for a total of over $18 million.


Texas will use its SEP funds to establish a revolving loan program for improving energy efficiency at public facilities and to offer competitive grants to state agencies, schools, hospitals, and communities for the implementation of renewable energy technologies. Texas will also use its funds to provide training for green jobs and to launch an educational campaign designed to teach the public about the link between energy conservation, reduced emissions, and job creation. After demonstrating success in the execution of its plan, Texas will receive additional funds of $109 million, for a total of almost $219 million.