The Department of Energy (“DOE”) announced a new $390 million energy upgrade program under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (“EECBG”) Program that could save $100 million annually in utility bills. DOE is looking for community-scale retrofit projects that will have a significant, long-lasting impact on energy consumption and which can be replicated in communities nationwide.

DOE is also making $64 million available under the EECBG to local governments that were not eligible to receive the formula grants announced earlier this year under the population-based formula.

These programs were announced through a Request for Information (“RFI”) issued today under the competitive portion of the EECBG Program.  DOE is seeking public comment until Sept. 28, 2009.

A link to the Request for Information is below. This is not a funding opportunity announcement  so no applications can be made at this point. The FOA is expected to be released in early October, following the public comment period.