We invite you to join us for the third installment of our complimentary Stimulus Bill Webinar series. This session will focus on the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Loan Guarantee Program, which received nearly $6 billion in Stimulus Bill funding. The DOE recently redesigned the program in an effort to bring private capital back to large-scale renewable energy project development. Since the release of the Financial Institution Partnership Program (FIPP) solicitation, there have been some promising initial signs with several prominent U.S. and European-based banks actively supporting projects.

Our panel of experts includes a current DOE program official with knowledge of the program’s intricacies, an investment banker who was a former director of the program and a Stoel Rives attorney who is assisting clients through the application process. The webinar will discuss the innovative and commercial programs, FIPP, the evolving rules for the program, the application process and the type of projects the program was developed to support.


Richard Corrigan, Senior Advisor, Department of Energy’s Loan Guarantee Program

Walter S. Howes, Former Director of DOE’s Loan Guarantee Program, current Managing Partner, Verdigris Capital LLC

Graham Noyes, Former VP of Sales and Business Development, Imperium Renewables LLC; current Attorney, Stoel Rives LLP

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
10 a.m. Pacific; 11 a.m. Mountain; noon Central; 1 p.m. Eastern 


Register online at http://www.stoel.com/webcasts