Renewable Energy Projects: Keys to Drafting Power Purchase Agreements
Thursday, March 31, 2011
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. (Eastern)

Join Stoel Rives Partner, Bill Holmes, as he presents this exclusive, 60-minute webinar on Thursday, March 31.

The power purchase agreement (PPA) is the most critical component of a renewable energy project, and essential to project finance.

With 3/5 of the States having Renewable Portfolio Standard in place and the prospect of a Federal RPS, many utilities are seeking to become first time purchasers of the output from wind projects. And utilities with a history of purchasing wind are seeking additional resources. In 2009, the presenters collectively worked on over 40 wind

We invite you to join us for the third installment of our complimentary Stimulus Bill Webinar series. This session will focus on the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Loan Guarantee Program, which received nearly $6 billion in Stimulus Bill funding. The DOE recently redesigned the program in an effort to bring private capital back to large-scale renewable energy

About a month ago we issued an alert regarding a $45 million funding opportunity announcement ("FOA") for the development of a wind turbine drivetrain testing facility (alert available here).

Today, the Department of Energy ("DOE") announced that they are hosting a webinar regarding this FOA.  The webinar will be held July 30, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern.