Wind & Solar Integration Summit, Scottsdale, AZ

January 24, 2011, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Workshop

January 25, 2011, 7 a.m. – 5:15 p.m., Conference

January 26, 2011, 9 a.m. – 11:45 a.m., Conference


As the Workshop Chair, I would like to extend you an invitation to the Wind & Solar Integration Summit, presented by Infocast. Join me and my colleagues in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona as we gather with industry experts—federal and state regulators, representatives from ISOs, independent power producers, and pioneers in energy storage—to discuss the challenges posed by renewable energy integration and the opportunities for businesses that make the necessary adjustments to prepare for the 21st century grid. We will be kicking off the conference with a keynote address by FERC Chairman, Jon Wellinghoff.


This 3-day event will include a pre-conference workshop on the fundamentals of integrating variable energy resources and electric energy storage (EES), and will feature a presentation by Stoel Rives partner and Conference Chair, Stephen Hall. The conference will address issues and recent developments in integration, including market solutions and investments to facilitate renewable energy integration, changes to the regulatory landscape, and the role of EES in enabling increased renewables integration. Stoel Rives partners Ed Einowski, Bill Holmes, and Jennifer Martin will present on managing the risks associated with curtailment and integration issues in PPAs. 


In case you need another good excuse to get to Arizona in January, Stoel Rives is currently offering a discount on registration. For more event details and registration information, please see: