The United States and Iceland have signed a bilateral agreement aimed at increasing the world’s understanding of advanced geothermal technologies and accelerating their deployment. The new agreement is designed to allow the US and Iceland to exchange researchers, establish joint projects, and create educational opportunities to accelerate advanced geothermal development, and to identify key obstacles to
geothermal renewable
Stoel Rives Publishes White Papers on Transmission Development
I am proud to announce the publication of two white papers that focus on the issues of transmission development and broader issues facing renewable energy. These white papers were written by attorneys at Stoel Rives and were prepared at the request of the Energy Foundation, a partnership of major foundations interested in sustainable energy. The…
DOE:$15 million for Innovative Geothermal Recovery Methods
On Friday, the US Department of Energy ("DOE") announved a $15 million funding opportunity for geothermal energy research and development projects that:
- Address the environmental risk factors associated with heat recovery from the earth’s subsurface (earthquakes, water consumption and pollution);
- Add innovative methods for extracting heat from geotlogic formations, particularly permeable sedimentary formations; and
- Reduce financial
FOA: $20 Million for Innovative Geothermal Technologies
The U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) today announced up to $20 million for research, development, and demonstration of cutting-edge geothermal technologies. DOE want projects that demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of certain non-conventional geothermal energy technologies, such as low-temperature fluids, geothermal fluids recovered from oil and gas wells, and highly pressurized geothermal fluids.
Specifically, the funds…
Show me the Money: Applications Available now for Washington’s State Energy Program
On July 1, 2009, Washington State’s Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (“CTED”) issued application guidelines and forms for its State Energy Program (“SEP”) (available by clicking here). The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the “Recovery Act”) provided $60.9 million in new funding for Washington’s SEP. Subsequently, the Washington Legislature allocated $38.5 million to CTED to administer a loan and grant program for energy efficiency and renewable energy program (see our client alert, available here, regarding the legislative action). Continue Reading Show me the Money: Applications Available now for Washington’s State Energy Program
Stanford Sees Results in Geothermal Reservoir Characterization
In October 2008, the Department of Energy (“DOE”) agreed to provide $43.1 million for 21 research projects to research, develop and demonstrate enhanced Geothermal Systems (“EGS”) which are next-generation geothermal energy technologies capable of producing baseload electricity across the United States. DOE’s geothermal technologies program works in partnership with U.S. industry to establish geothermal energy as an economically competitive …