The Department of Energy (DOE) announced this week that up to $22 million from the Recovery Act would be allotted to up to 4 eligible communities nationwide in order to encourage utility-scale renewable energy systems that provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy supplies for their communities, while creating jobs and new economic development opportunities. The projects will demonstrate how
Recovery Act
U.S. Wind Industry Breaks Records in 2008, Gets a Boost From Secretary Chu
Today, U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced that 28 new wind energy projects will receive up to $13.8 million in funding for wind turbine research and testing and transmission analysis, planning, and assessments. Most of the $13.8 million comes from Recovery Act funds. Recognizing the struggles that Americans are facing in the current…
Show me the Money: Applications Available for the Washington State Energy Program
Washington previously received $60.9 million in Recovery Act funding for its State Energy Program (“SEP”). The Washington Legislature later provided $38.5 million to the Washington State Community, Trade and Economic Development (“CTED”) agency to administer a loan and grant program for eligible projects in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy and clean energy innovation (see…
Show me the Money: Washington Regional Recovery Act Meetings
For those of you interested in Stimulus Funding for your Renewable Energy or Clean Tech projects, I will be attending most of the following Prosperity Partnership’s Regional ARRA Coordination meetings.
The meetings are located at the Puget Sound Regional Council’s meeting rooms at 1011 Western, Suite 500 in Seattle, WA.
- July 17 from 2-4 pm – Presentations
Show me the Money: Applications Available now for Washington’s State Energy Program
On July 1, 2009, Washington State’s Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (“CTED”) issued application guidelines and forms for its State Energy Program (“SEP”) (available by clicking here). The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the “Recovery Act”) provided $60.9 million in new funding for Washington’s SEP. Subsequently, the Washington Legislature allocated $38.5 million to CTED to administer a loan and grant program for energy efficiency and renewable energy program (see our client alert, available here, regarding the legislative action). Continue Reading Show me the Money: Applications Available now for Washington’s State Energy Program
DOE Announces $59 million in Conditional Loan Guarantees
On July 2, 2009, the Department of Energy ("DOE") announced $59 million in conditional loan guarantees in the form of $16 million for a wind turbine assembly plant and $43 million for a 20 megawatt flywheel energy storage plant.
Nordic Windpower, USA has been conditionally offered a $16 million loan to support the tooling and…
Show me the Money: $10.5 Million for Solar America Cities
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) announced new funds of up to $10.5 million to inform and educate local governments nationwide about solar energy. As part of the Solar America Cities program, a joint effort with 25 cities dedicated to increasing their use of solar energy, the DOE has assembled educational materials about the benefits…
Show me the Money: $7.5 Million Available to Develop Commercial Energy Efficiency Training Programs
On June 26, 2009, the Department of Energy ("DOE") released a funding opportunity announcement ("FOA") to deploy $7.5 million in Recovery Act funds to further its goals of reducing energy consumption and achieving net zero-energy buildings (defined as buildings that produce as much energy as they consume). In order to reach these goals, DOE recognizes that a…
Show me the Money: $12.9 million available for Geologic Sequestration Training and Research
The Department of Energy ("DOE") has released $12.93 million to fund geologic sequestration training and research. $7.93 million is available for awards to all universities, colleges, and college-affiliated research institutes and $5 million is available for awards to historically black colleges and universities or other minority institutes listed on the Office of Civil Rights’s accredited post secondary minorities institution…
Show Me the Money: $304 Million Allocated to Three States for Weatherization Assistance Programs
On Friday, June 25, 2009, the Department of Energy ("DOE") announced more than $304 million in Recovery Act funding to three states for their weatherization assistance programs. The DOE’s Weatherization Assistance Program will enable families making up to 200% of the federal poverty level – about $44,000 a year for a family of four – to save…