Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (the "DOE") released the long-awaited Financial Assistance Funding Opportunity Announcement ("FOA") titled "Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology Readiness Advancement Initiative." Federal funding for this initiative for fiscal year 2010 is expected to be up to $15.36 million, with the possibility of continued funding at, or near, that
REMINDER: Upcoming DOE Funding for Marine Hydrokinetics
On March 11, 2010, I posted a blog about the U.S. Department of Energy’s (the "DOE") upcoming Funding Opportunity Announcement ("FOA") for hydrokinetic technology development. The DOE issued a Notice of Intent announcing the FOA earlier that week. To access the Notice of Intent, click here, and enter "hydrokinetic" in the search field.
The DOE was expected…
Show me the Money: Webinar Explaining the Wind Turbine Drivetrain FOA
About a month ago we issued an alert regarding a $45 million funding opportunity announcement ("FOA") for the development of a wind turbine drivetrain testing facility (alert available here).
Today, the Department of Energy ("DOE") announced that they are hosting a webinar regarding this FOA. The webinar will be held July 30, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern. …
$22 Million for Community Renewable Energy
The Department of Energy (DOE) announced this week that up to $22 million from the Recovery Act would be allotted to up to 4 eligible communities nationwide in order to encourage utility-scale renewable energy systems that provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy supplies for their communities, while creating jobs and new economic development opportunities. The projects will demonstrate how…
Show me the Money: $12.9 million available for Geologic Sequestration Training and Research
The Department of Energy ("DOE") has released $12.93 million to fund geologic sequestration training and research. $7.93 million is available for awards to all universities, colleges, and college-affiliated research institutes and $5 million is available for awards to historically black colleges and universities or other minority institutes listed on the Office of Civil Rights’s accredited post secondary minorities institution…
Show me the Money: Mandatory Registrations to be Eligible for Stimulus Funding
In general, parties that are considering applying for Stimulus Act funding for their project must preregister at the following websites:
- Applicants must obtain a Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System number (DUNS)
DUNS website: - Applicants must register with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR)
CCR website: - Applicants must register with FedConnect to submit
$480 Million Available for Integrated Biorefinery Projects
Last week DOE released a new funding opportunity announcement for up to $480 million for pilot-scale and demonstration-scale integrated biorefinery projects. An integrated biorefinery uses an “acceptable feedstock” to produce a biofuel or bioproduct as the “primary product.” Acceptable feedstocks include:
- Algae
- Certain woody biomass
- Renewable plant materials so long as it is not generally intended for use
$150 Million to Fund ARPA-E Transformation Energy R&D Projects
On April 27, 2009, the first Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) under the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) was announced offering up to $150 million to fund transformation energy research and development projects. These funds are part of the $400 million appropriated to ARPA-E under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act. Individual awards of $500,000 to $20 million…